Futurist & Financial Trend Expert to Speak in Philadelphia on June...

Author and global futurist Jack Uldrich is confirmed to address a private international banking firm in Philadelphia on June 24th.

When futurist Jack Uldrich addresses a group of senior leaders in the banking industry in Philadelphia on June 24th he'll be pointing out some tough truths: In 2005, Blackberry, Blockbuster and Borders all dominated their respective industries.Today, those companies are either bankrupt or struggling for their very survival. Similarly, ten years ago, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Uber and AirBnB were scarcely more than business plans but, today, each is now "disrupting" major portions of the global economy.

Uldrich says the aforementioned examples "are a poignant reminder that a lot can happen in a decade's time." The aim of Uldrich's presentation, entitled "The Next Ten Years: The Past is Prologue." is to assist his audience members of senior leaders in the financial sector navigate the decade ahead with an in-depth exploration of technological trends that will transform the world by 2025.

"No one has a perfectly clairvoyant crystal ball." says Uldrich. He will, however, based on his research, share some powerful insights into how continued advances in mobile pay, artificial intelligence, wearable technologies, Big Data, video, collaborative consumption, peer-to-peer lending, crypto-currencies, quantum computing, neuroscience and nanotechnology could transform the retail and banking environments and alter their customer behavior in some surprising and profound ways in the coming years.

In one of his most recent articles, The Future of Banking, Uldrich specifically shares some insights on the future of banking along with an updated chapter in the book.

According to Uldrich, "Banking interactions will continue to evolve as customers' physical and virtual worlds become intertwined, and social networks and mobile platforms will transform customers' banking experiences and expectations. Still, other advances will create an environment where a premium is placed on unconventional thinking and risk-taking."

Drawing on highlights from his upcoming book "Business as Unusual," he will also discuss what the leaders and workers in the banking industry need to unlearn with the rapid shifts in technology constantly changing the rules of the game.

A highly acclaimed futurist and trend expert, Uldrich has spoken all over the world to a variety of industries and organizations. He has appeared on CNN, MSNBC, and National Public Radio and is a guest commentator on the Discovery Channel's "FutureScape."

Uldrich is also recognized as a leading expert in the field of change management and unlearning. Uldrich has addressed financial clients such as the Wisconsin Bankers Association, Wells Fargo, CoBank, the Detroit Economic Forum, AgBank and annual Institutional Investor Forum along with several other clients in a variety of industries, like the Southeastern Electric Exchange, the American Public Power Association, the American Medical Association, Fiatech, United Healthcare, Cisco, IBM, and Verizon Wireless.

Parties interested in learning more about Jack Uldrich, his books, his daily blog or his speaking availability or interviewing him, are encouraged to visit his website.

Source URL: http://prweb.com/releases/2015/06/prweb12787038.htm


