Futurist Jack Uldrich Discusses 12 Ways to Feed the World Without GMOs

The latest article written by futurist and ag trend expert Jack Uldrich is a thought provoking look at how to feed the world without the use of GMOs.

"The current world population is estimated to be just over seven billion people. By 2050 an estimated nine billion people will be living on Earth. Feeding two billion more people is a matter of eminent concern." Such is the introduction to global futurist and ag trend expert Jack Uldrich's latest article entitled "12 Ways to Feed the World Without GMOs."

Despite Uldrich's own take on GMOs, (he feels the research supporting the safety and efficacy of GMOs should be used as a part of the solution to feeding the world) he adroitly discusses and advocates for the use of these non GMO related tactics to feed the burgeoning world population.

Why would Uldrich take a stand on the other side of the fence? As a futurist Uldrich believes in ambiguity. "Viewing issues from all sides is what my job is all about," says Uldrich. "Being a futurist is about helping people find solutions, not judging their ideas. That's the key to great brainstorming and problem solving: putting out all the ideas, as far fetched as they may seem and seeing where they go. There are a lot of metaphors for the process, but one I really like is throwing spaghetti on the refrigerator and seeing what sticks."

"These 12 ways to feed the world without GMOs are the cutting edge of agricultural technology and they hold some of the best hope for addressing this critical issue." In the article Uldrich touches on trends that will transform a variety of industries from agriculture to manufacturing. He predicts "a data revolution," improved packing, marker assisted breeding, perennial crops and improved desalination techniques among the 12 practices.

Uldrich also includes renewable energy, lab grown proteins and he says the the U.S. may even begin to embrace using bugs, yes bugs --and not as not just haute cuisine as seems to be trending these day-- but as a daily source of protein.

According to Uldrich, "Each advance, by themselves, is only a part of the solution. Together, however, they constitute a formidable path to meeting the dietary needs of a growing world population."

Uldrich regularly researches new trends that effect those trends will have upon industries he address. He writes and speaks on trends in education, energy and utilities, healthcare, finance, retail and insurance. To date he has addressed clients in agriculture on all five continents. He looks to use this latest article as a spring board for even more thought provoking keynotes for his agricultural clients.

Parties interested learning more about Uldrich, his writing, speaking or daily blog are encouraged to contact him on his website.

Source URL: http://prweb.com/releases/2015/06/prweb12783497.htm


