Futurist Jack Uldrich to Address Healthcare and Technology with MMA

Jack Uldrich, futurist and keynote speaker will address the Massachusetts Medical Society on May 1st in Boston, MA. Uldrich will discuss future-proofing the healthcare system with transformational technology.

In his latest book, "Foresight 20/20: A Futurist Explores the Trends Transforming Tomorrow," Jack Uldrich writes the following about healthcare and technology: "In January of 2014, Illumina, a San Diego based company, announced that their high throughput genetic sequencing machine "HiSeq X Ten" had finally broken through the long sought after $1,000 barrier to sequence a full human genome and could sequence up to five per day. To put this in some perspective, it helps to consider that the first human genome project was completed in 2001 for the sum of three billion dollars.

Uldrich continues, "The project has already had major implications for the healthcare industry and the how disease is prevented and treated. In fact, fast and inexpensive gene sequencing is just a small part of the incredible changes already occurring in the field of health care.

By the beginning of the next decade, in addition to the developments in genomics, genomic surgery, continued advances in information technology, biotechnology, nanotechnology, robotics, data mining, wearable technologies, artificial intelligence, sensors, social networking, a myriad other technologies will transform the face of modern medicine"

On May 1 Uldrich will address a keynote address to the Massachusetts Medical Society in Boston, MA. His keynote"The Big AHA: How to Future-Proof the Health Care System Against Tomorrow's Transformational Trends, Today" will focus on healthcare and the future trends in technology that will change the face of the system as it is currently known.

While his writing and research on health technology will form the basis for his discussion with the MMS, Uldrich will also focus on his concept of the "Big AHA" which stands for Awareness, Humility and Action. Those basic tents form the foundation for Uldrich's School of Unlearning and his precepts for outstanding leadership.

Uldrich who has delivered keynotes to several healthcare organizations and hospitals across the U.S. such as BCBS, The AMA, West Kendall Baptist Hospital and United Healthcare also specializes in technological transformation and change management among agricultural, financial, utilities-based, manufacturing and educational organizations as well.

Following his engagement in Boston Uldrich will deliver keynotes to Ingram in Arizona, Thrivent Financial in Minneapolis and Bayer CropScience in Hamburg, Germany.

For more information on Uldrich's upcoming engagements, writing or speaking availability are encouraged to visit his website.

Source URL: http://prweb.com/releases/2015/05/prweb12690572.htm


