Global futurist and best selling author Jack Uldrich will deliver a new keynote to the Southwest School of Banking Foundation on the Big Island of Hawaii on Saturday, January 16th. Uldrich is a featured speaker at the 142nd Assembly for Bank Directors.
Online, January 14, 2016 ( - The next decade is only a handful of years away. What might the world of 2020 like look like? How will the banking industry change? More importantly, how will banking leaders need to change? According to Jack Uldrich, "The answer, in two short words, is: a lot."
Uldrich says, "Consider this: Eight years ago Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Wikipedia were relative newborns; and iPhones, iPads, apps and the Kindle Readers didn't yet exist. Now, fast forward a few years into the future and try to comprehend how accelerating advances in information technologies, wearable devices, the "Internet of things," social media, robotics, artificial intelligence, gaming dynamics, nanotechnology, biotechnology, 3D manufacturing, "Big Data", peer-to-peer lending and digital cypto-currencies will continue to drive seismic change and deliver paradigm-shattering transformation to nearly every facet of society, including banking. It's not easy."
The technology that is coming will drive seismic change and deliver paradigm-shattering transformation to nearly every facet of society, including banking.
An excerpt on the future of the banking industry from Uldrich's book "20/20 Foresight: A Futurist Explores the Trends Transforming Tomorrow" on banking can be viewed here.
Tomorrow, January 16, futurist Jack Uldrich will deliver his latest keynote, entitled "Business as Unusual: Preparing for an Uncertain and Unpredictable Future" to one of the nation's leading banking schools: The Southwest Graduate School of Banking Foundation's 142nd Assembly for Bank Directors in Hawaii. Uldrich will help kick off the 2016 SWGSB Distinguished Speakers Series.
Uldrich is a frequent speaker on technology, change management, and leadership and has addressed hundreds of corporations, associations, and not-for-profit organizations on five continents. His clients in the financial sector include Banamex, Global Atlantic, TD Banks in the US and Canada, Invesco, Thrivent, Coulee Bank, Signal Hills, Stockbridge, Questar Capital and Farm Credit Bank of Texas, among others.
Last year Uldrich also addressed educational institutions including the University of Wisconsin Graduate School of Banking and Morehead State University in Kentucky. Both events had over 600 audience members in attendance.
Uldrich will round out the month speaking to private wealth management firms in Atlanta and Tampa, and working on his new book, "Win the Future: The Big AHA."
Parties interested in learning more about Jack Uldrich, his speaking, writing and research, are encouraged to view his website.
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