Futurist Jack Uldrich to Speak on Agribusiness 2050 in Mexico City

World's leading futurist and agricultural trend expert Jack Uldrich will deliver a keynote at the Banamex Agribusiness Seminar today in Mexico City.

According to global futurist Jack Uldrich, "Understanding the future of farming and agribusiness begins with unlearning the obsolete information of the past."

Uldrich, one of the world's leading futurists, agricultural trend expert and founder of The School of Unlearning will deliver a keynote at the Banamex Agribusiness Seminar today in Mexico City.

Keeping up with technology in agribusiness constitutes a formidable path to meeting the dietary needs of a growing world population.

His presentation, "Foresight 2050: Thinking About the Trends Transforming the World of Tomorrow, Today" will address technological trends that will impact agribusiness over the next thirty five years.

"By 2050 an estimated nine billion people will be living on Earth. Feeding two billion more people is a matter of eminent concern." In order to feed the growing population food production will need to double by 2050.

How will this monumental task be achieved? It won't easy but Uldrich is convinced it can be done.

In his recent article, Feeding the World Without GMOs Uldrich addresses 13 trends that he envisions as a part of the solution. Uldrich says, these technological trends "constitute a formidable path to meeting the dietary needs of a growing world population."

In his keynote Uldrich will address a variety of technological advances such as packaging, desalination techniques, the agribiome, microbials and bio-pesticides, renewable energy, and lab grown proteins and meats. Each of which Uldrich believes will each assist in feeding the additional two billion people who will inhabit the planet in the coming decades.

Other notable game-changing trends in agriculture that Uldrich will touch on are Big Data, prescriptive planting, precision agriculture, GMOs and robotics. "As these technologies continue to getter better and more affordable, expect the technology to continue to move from the large corporate farms to even the smallest of family farms and, in the process, it will transform agriculture as we know it."

A trusted resource for agribusinesses around the world with a keen sense of the rapid shifts affecting the world of agriculture, Uldrich is regular speaker for agriculturally based audiences. He has addressed the South Dakota Wheat Growers, Bayer CropScience, the Minnesota Dairy Council, Land O'Lakes, Case IH, The Agricultural Adaptation Council of Ontario, and AgGateway, the California Ag Summit, the Canola Council of Canada's Annual Meeting, among others.

Parties interested in learning more about Uldrich this event, or his writing or speaking availability are encouraged to go to his website.

Source URL: http://prweb.com/releases/2015/09/prweb12937569.htm


