Futurist Jack Uldrich to Tackle Technology and Innovation Throughout August

Global Futurist and keynote speaker Jack Uldrich is confirmed to deliver nine keynote speeches regarding technology and innovation across the U.S. Uldrich will present to audiences in the financial, manufacturing, accounting, agriculture, energy and insurance industries throughout the month of August.

"Learn to unlearn and the world will be yours," says global futurist, author and keynote speaker Jack Uldrich. Technology and innovation are two primary elements of Uldrich's presentations and strategic learning sessions that he delivers throughout the world.

This August, Uldrich will to travel through the U.S. and to Mexico City and deliver keynotes to a wide variety of industries ranging from accounting to manufacturing.

Learn to unlearn and the world will be yours.

Uldrich's confirmed nine keynotes for the month of August include:

AUG 03: Graduate School of Banking, University of Wisconsin • Madison, WI

AUG 05: APPA • Chicago, IL

AUG 06: Team Industries • Kaukana, WI

AUG 13: ICMIF • Mexico City, Mexico

AUG 19: Society of CPA's • Minneapolis, MN

AUG 24: South Dakota Wheat Growers • Minneapolis, MN

AUG 25: InformaEcon • Bloomington, MN

AUG 26: A Private Financial Services Client • Minneapolis, MN

AUG 31: FCC Services • Nashville, TN

Hailed an America's "Chief Unlearning Officer" by Businessweek Uldrich' often riffs on Lao Tzus' famous philosophy of subtracting something every day in order to attain wisdom. In fact, that is a core component of his School of Unlearning. The School of Unlearning is an international leadership, change management and technology consultancy dedicated to helping businesses, governments, and non-profit organizations prepare for, and profit from, periods of profound transformation.

While unlearning is one of his specialties, Uldrich's topics for keynotes run the gamut from future-proofing to top tech trends and The Big AHA, which is Uldrich's acronym for leadership skills--Awareness, Humility and Action.

Uldrich is also the author of eleven books including the award-winning, bestsellers: The Next Big Thing is Really Small: How Nanotechnology Will Change the Future of Your Business and Jump the Curve: 50 Strategies to Help Your Company Stay Ahead of Emerging Technology, and his most recent book Foresight 20/20. .

A former naval intelligence officer and Defense Department official, Uldrich argues that creativity and action are more powerful and versatile than knowledge.

More information on Uldrich and his upcoming speaking engagements can be found on his website.

Source URL: http://prweb.com/releases/2015/07/prweb12878414.htm



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