Futurist to Discuss How Big Data Will Revolutionize the Paper Industry

Global Futurist and best selling author Jack Uldrich is confirmed to deliver his keynote, "The Big AHA: How the Internet of Things & Big Data Will Revolutionize Your Business" to the American Forest & Paper Association, in San Antonio on Friday, November 13th.

By 2020, it is estimated that 50 billion physical objects will be connected to the Internet.

What does this mean for the future of the paper industry? According to futurist Jack Uldrich, "Everything."

The Internet of Things is poised to radically transform customer behavior, business models and the nature of business itself.

Uldrich says, "The "Internet of Things" is poised to radically transform customer behavior, business models, and the nature of business itself."

In his powerful keynote session that he will present to the American Forest & Paper Association, in San Antonio on Friday, November 13th, Uldrich will not only explain the Internet of Everything, he will help participants understand how they can prepare today in order to prosper tomorrow.

Uldrich says, "A good way to think about where the IoT is headed is to contemplate where GPS technology was at the turn of the century. In 2000, President Clinton signed an executive order allowing GPS data to be used for commercial purposes. At the time, the accuracy level wasn't very good and everyday uses—such as navigation systems capable of telling you turn right in 50 yards— seemed like science fiction."

Today, such uses are commonplace and deeply valued by many users. Uldrich goes on to say, "Another way to consider the future of the IoT is to contemplate where artificial intelligence—in the form of technologies such as Apple's Siri or Google Now—were in 2012. Just two years after their introduction the technology has already become the equivalent of an affordable personal assistant for many people, and it's getting smarter every day."

As a futurist and public speaker Uldrich provides an in-depth exploration of how the "Internet of Things," 'Big Data," social media, robotics, biotechnology, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, renewable energy and "collaborative consumption" will change everyday life for all of us in the very near future.

Parties interested in knowing more about Uldrich's speaking event in San Antonio, or future engagements are encouraged to view his website.

Source URL: http://prweb.com/releases/2015/11/prweb13071011.htm


